Leaf Litter in the Surrounding Environment


   Leaf waste is organic waste produced from biological materials. Fallen leaves are a natural result of the process of shedding trees. This waste is easily decomposed or easily rotten because it comes from living things. It can be found in the surrounding environment, one of which is the school environment of SMK Negeri 4 Semarang.

      Ilustrasi : Sampah daun di selokan SMK Negeri 4 Semarang 

Description 1

   The leaf waste was in the ditch beside the main field. The dry leaves fell into the ditch because there was a tree above them. It is usually cleaned up by the staff in charge of cleaning the school.

Description 2

   Leaf waste is biodegradable in nature such as, wood, tree branches, timber, food waste and animal waste. Organic waste such as food waste and dry leaves usually takes about 2-4 weeks to decompose naturally. This waste turns out to have more value and can be useful. One of them is for making compost.

Description 3

   Usually the leaf waste in this school is only thrown into the trash, not recycled into compost. Even some people still think leaf waste is worthless waste and only throw it into the trash or some burn it, which actually pollutes the air. Whereas in addition to being composted leaf waste can also be processed into alternative fuels. Not only that, the waste can also be used as handicrafts that have artistic and economic value, such as greeting cards, key chains, and photo frame decorations.


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English September 21